Search UX: Going with the flow

Charlie Hull, organiser of Cambridge’s Enterprise Search Meetups, invited me to talk at one of their events about UX design for search.

I spoke about “going with the flow“, and how any search activity needs to fit within a user’s flow of overall activities. I also wanted to make the point that developers can have a big impact on UX design. In the world of search, part of this is the power of analytics, which can give us quantitative data about what people are searching for, and how successful they are.

Getting to the semantic of the matter

The second talk of the evening was from Rob Stacey, who talked to us about how the True Knowledge search engine uses semantics to “understand” what users are looking for. Here are my sketchnotes:

Sketchnotes from Rob Stacey's talk about True Knowledge

Thanks again to Charlie Hull for inviting me to speak. It was good to be at the podium for once, instead of introducing a speaker!

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